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569 lost pubs listed in Berkshire, with 501 photos

Date Berkshire last updated: 15th July 2024

Home > Berkshire

Lost Pubs In Berkshire

  Arborfield   Grazeley   Sandhurst
  Ascot   Great Shefford   Shinfield
  Ashampstead   Greenham   Shurlock Row
  Ashmore Green H   Slough
B   Halfway   Sonning
  Bagnor   Hampstead Norreys   Southend
  Beedon   Hamstead Marshall   Spencers Wood
  Beenham   Hare Hatch   Stockcross
  Binfield   Hedgerley   Streatley On Thames
  Bracknell   Highclere   Sunningdale
  Bradfield   Holyport   Sunninghill
  Bray   Horton T
  Brimpton   Hungerford   Tadley
  Brimpton Common   Hurst   Thatcham
  Britwell K   Theale
  Bucklebury   Kentwood   Three Mile Cross
  Burchetts Green   Kingsclere   Tilehurst
  Burghfield Common   Kintbury   Twyford
C   Knowl Hill U
  Cane End L   Ufton Nervet
  Chalvey   Lambourn   Upper Basildon
  Chieveley   Lambourn Woodlands   Upper Bucklebury
  Cockpole Green   Langley   Upper Lambourn
  Cold Ash   Leckhampstead W
  Colnbrook   Lilley   Waltham St Lawrence
  Cookham   Lower Basildon   Warfield
  Cookham Dean M   Wargrave
  Cranbourne   Maidenhead   Warren Row
  Crookham Common   Midgham   Water Oakley
  Crowthorne   Mortimer   Weston
D N   Whitchurch
  Donnington   Newbury   Windsor
E O   Winkfield
  East End   Oakley Green   Winkfield Row
  Enborne   Old Windsor   Winterbourne
  Emmer Green P   Wokingham
  Eton   Padworth Common   Woodspeen
  Eton Wick   Paley Street   Woolhampton
F   Pangbourne Y
  Farley Hill   Pinkneys Green   Yattendon
  Fifield R
  Finchampstead   Reading

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