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Home > Buckinghamshire > Preston Bissett > Old Hat

Old Hat


Picture source: Kevin Megson

The Old Hat was situated on Main Street and is now in residential use. 
This pub was run by an extremely old lady back in the 1990s. Any heavy work like changing a barrel she’d ask a sturdy customer to help her out. She had three lovely golden labs which took up an awful lot of space in a small lounge bar, which seemed to double as vaguely a village shop / sweetshop. The beer was always excellent – possibly Hookies. It was a throwback to the age of bringing the beer up from the  cellar in jugs. No music, no excitement, just a good fire in winter, good ale and contented quiet. I was sad it closed in, I think, the late 1990s when the old lady died.
Allan Friswell (November 2014)
The Old Hat was a favorite of my Fathers. He was in The American Air Force. We lived nearby on Chetwode Grange, the estate of Lord and Lady Cubbit. As an adult I went to the Old Hat Pub. The Lady who still ran the Pub in the 1980s was Joan Barlow. She remembered my father from back in the 1950s. Mrs. Jakeman was our Nanny and I visited her and her son Anthony in the village. I was happy to learn that someone had made a private residence of the Old Hat Pub. Would love to see inside it now.
Patsi Peacock (August 2021)

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Other Photos
Date of photo: 1999

Picture source: Simon Hall

Old Hat, Preston Bissett

Picture source: Darkstar