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Home > Derbyshire > Alfreton > Station Hotel

Station Hotel

Picture source: John Bradley

The Station Hotel was situated at 79 Mansfield Road.
My parents were landlord and lady of the Station Hotel 1956 to 1960. I recall being one of the pubs closest to the colliery down Meadow Lane. On pay day (Thursday or Friday?) Dad would be in the bar some while before opening and fill the counter with many pints of mild, bitter and mixed ales. Upon opening the bar flooded with colliers who would sink pints galore in short order. When there thirst was quenched they would settle into the normal pub activities, darts, Dominos, skittles and shuvhalfpenny etc.
Payment was made, on trust by saying what they had had and Dad placed the appropriate sum in the till. There was never any till shortages and the routine was repeated again the following week.
Would such honesty prevail today???
Dad did tell me that several pints were often consumed in first 15 minutes by many a pitman! Thirsty work understand
Keith Horspool (June 2024)

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