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Home > Derbyshire > Winster > The Crown

The Crown

Picture source: Hania Franek

The Crown was situated on Main Street.  This grade-II listed pub is now in residential use and called The Lodge.

Listed building details:
House, formerly an inn. C18. Roughcast rubble with projecting quoins, coped west gable, intermediate and west gable brick stacks, east gable stack of stone. Welsh slate roof. Three storeys, three bays, with mainly 2-light flush mullioned windows, now with some mullions missing, replaced by glazing bar sashes and C20 joinery Extant mullioned windows have C19 single glazing bar sashes. Principal doorway off-centre with quoined surround and flat canopy on moulded brackets. C20 glazed door. To east end, second quoined doorway with massive lintel and six-panelled door, and carriage entrance with timber lintel and plain plank doors.

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