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Home > Essex > Chelmsford

Lost Pubs In Chelmsford, Essex

Name Year Closed Address  
Alma 2018 37 Arbour Lane.
Barnards Hotel 36-37 High Street.
Bay Horse Tavern Moulsham Street. Now reopened!!
Beehive 2010s 346 Baddow Road.
Bell Hotel Tindal Street.
Black Boy 1 Springfield Road.

Cherry Tree

  Cherry Garden Lane.


  Broomfield Road.


  Victoria Road.


  Tindal Street.


  10 Moulsham Street.

Essex Arms

1970s Springfield Road.
Golden Lion Tindal Square.
Half Moon 81 High Street.
Horse & Groom 5 Springfield Road.
Judge Tindals 6 Tindal Street.
Kings Arms Broomfield Main Road.
Kings Head Hotel 41 High Street.
Lion & Lamb 24 Duke Street.
Marsham Arms 107 Waterhouse Lane.
New Barn 80 Kings Road.
Queens Head 61 High Street.
Red Lion 249 Springfield Road.

Rose & Crown

  170 Rainsford Road.
Royal Oak 76 High Street.
Spotted Dog 24 Tindal Street.
Three Cups Springfield Road.
Three Stars 29 Trent Road.
White Hart Colchester Road.
White Hart Tindal Street.
White Horse London Road.
William IV 6 New Street.
Windmill 1967 19 Moulsham Street.

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