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Home > Gloucestershire > North Nibley > White Hart

White Hart

Date of photo: c1906

Picture source: Hania Franek

The White Hart was situated on Wotton Road. This grade-II listed pub is now in residential use.

Listed building details:
Former inn, now detached house. Partially C15; mostly C18 with C19 additions. Random rubble limestone, formerly with C18 roughcast render; brick chimneys; plain tile, pantile and Welsh slate roofs. Two-storey with cellar; 2-storey with attic south wing forms L-plan, with single-storey addition in angle. Front: north wing projects forward to left with hipped roof and 2-window 12-pane sash fenestration having segmental brick arches, now rendered over. Off-centre cellar door with timber lintel. Stone quoins and quality of masonry indicate earlier origins for this part of the building. South wing to right has scattered casements with timber lintels and off-centre doorway with flat porch hood and glazed door. Hipped roof to addition in angle, having tall brick chimney. South end: gable with some roughcast render. Single window casement fenestration with timber lintels. North side: doorway with timber lintel and plank door. Single upper floor casement. Interior said to contain medieval fireplace. A building of considerable historic interest as it formed the first inn on the medieval route from Berk

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Picture source: Sue McArdle