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Home > Lancashire > Breightmet > Hare & Hounds

Hare & Hounds

Picture source: Peter Ashworth

The Hare & Hounds was situated at 539 Bury New Road.
Back when I was about nine or ten years old (1965 or 1966) I can recall the pub being re-rendered.  At the gable end of the building, in Stephen Street, I decided that I would write my name in the render.  I then thought no more of it until a few days later until my father came home from work and told me to put my coat on as we were going for a walk.  Those were the days when kids didn’t even begin to argue with their parents.  So I duly did what I was told and we wandered off down to the pub, where my father stopped us and pointed out what I had done.
“What’s that?” he asked.
“It’s my name,” I recall answering, knowing I was in trouble but not quite knowing why.  My father said nothing else at that point but he did me give a healthy smack across the back of the head.  (It was allowed then.  You could even get one from people you weren’t even related to.)
As I looked up at him, tears (admittedly a little bit forced) running from eyes he said,
“You little idiot, how many other people around here do you know with the name, Bryn?”
Bryn Robinson (March 2016)

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