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Home > Lincolnshire > Boston > Stag & Pheasant

Stag & Pheasant


The Stag & Pheasant was situated at 20 Rosegarth Street. This pub was the last common lodging house in the town and was demolished in 1961. The publican in 1896 was Michael McGuire.
Source: Vic Bannister
Landlord Michael McGuire was the son of Irish immigrants who settled in North street. The 1891 census shows him as the landlord with his Boston born wife, Betsy Ann (Woods). They have 8 lodgers including a watchmaker born in Germany, a coal carter, farm labourers and a general hawker. By 1911 he had moved to 19 Rosegarth Street, the former Flying Dutchman.
Josie McGuire (November 2011)
This was a Soames Brewery pub that was sold to Steward & Patteson in 1949. Closed on 8th March 1957.
Adam Cartwright  (August 2012)

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