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Lincoln > Chaplin Arms
Chaplin Arms

© Copyright Richard
Croft and licensed for reuse
under this Creative
Commons Licence |
The Chaplin Arms was situated at 78 Canwick
Road. This 19th century, grade-II listed building was present as a pub by
1849 and closed in 2009. It has now been converted to flats. |
(No.22 in 1861 census). Also, in 1986,
Angels bar and from 2009 flats. Grade II Listed. The pub was probably built
about 1844 after the construction of Canwick Road in 1843 for Mr W H Brook,
brewer. It is likely that it was named after Henry Chaplin, 1st Viscount
Chaplin. Victuallers from directories: 1844 Edward Townshend, 1850 Samuel
Mitchell, 1856-1857 William Gray No.22, 1861 George Brailsford, 1867-1868
Vincent Tinley, 1882 John Nixon, 1885 unable to find it listed, 1892-1909
Mrs Fanny Nixon, 1913-1946 Robert Arthur Fisher No.78, 1965 Mrs J T Walters.
A pinfold was provided here in 1877. Applications for extensions were
applied for in 1882 by Charles Brook, brewer of Waterside North/St Rumbold
Street and again in 1896 by A and B Hall brewery. The outbuildings have had
many uses but they were demolished in September 2005 and replaced with the
current building as a cabaret/function room. That closed in 2008 with plans
submitted in May 2008 to convert to residential use. |
Steve Turner (January 2022) |
building details: |
Public house. Mid C19. Gault brick,
with stone and stucco dressings and slate roof with 2 external gable stacks
and 2 side wall stacks. Tudor Revival style. Coped gables with kneelers and
finials. 2 storeys, 2 bays. Double range plan. Projecting gabled centre with
a 4-centred arched doorway under a gabled wooden canopy with bargeboards. On
either side, single mullioned sash windows with hoodmoulds. Above, 3 similar
windows. Left return gables each have a bay window with a mullioned sash
window above it. Interior not inspected. |
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