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Home > Lincolnshire > Winterton > Cross Keys

Cross Keys

Date of photo: 2009

Picture source: Google Streetview


The Cross Keys was situated on King Street. A grade-II listed pub.


Listed building details:
Public house. Late C18 with C19 range to rear. Squared limestone with brick dressings and stacks. Concrete tile roof. 2 storeys, 4 first floor windows. Rendered plinth, quoins. Panelled door and plain overlight beneath stucco flat arch to right of centre. C19 4-pane sashes in original flush wood architraves with stucco flat arches and cills. Stepped brick eaves. Brick edging to gables with stone coping and shaped kneelers. Axial and end stacks. Interior: closed-string dog-leg staircase with moulded handrail and plain balusters.

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