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804 lost pubs listed in Oxfordshire, with 766 photos

Date Oxfordshire last updated: 15th July 2024

Home > Oxfordshire

Lost Pubs In Oxfordshire

  Abingdon   Faringdon   Oxford
  Adderbury   Fifield P
  Alvescot   Filkins   Peppard Common
  Appleford   Finstock   Piddington
  Appleton   Forest Hill   Pishill
  Ascott Under Wychwood   Fritwell   Postcombe
  Aston Rowant   Fulbrook   Pyrton
  Aston Upthorpe G R
B   Gallowstree Common   Remenham
  Bampton   Garsington   Rotherfield Greys
  Banbury   Goosey   Rotherfield Peppard
  Barnard Gate   Goring   Russells Water
  Benson   Goring Heath S
  Berinsfield   Great Coxwell   Sandford On Thames
  Berrick Salome   Great Milton   Satwell
  Bicester   Great Rollright   Shepherds Green
  Binfield Heath   Grove   Shiplake
  Bix H   Shrivenham
  Black Bourton   Hailey   Sibford Gower
  Blackthorn   Harwell   Souldern
  Bladon   Henley   South Leigh
  Bletchingdon   Highmoor   South Moreton
  Blewbury   Hook Norton   South Stoke
  Bloxham   Horspath   South Weston
  Brighthampton   Horton Cum Studley   Sparsholt
  Brightwell-cum-Sotwell   Hurst   Stadhampton
  Britwell Salome I   Standlake
  Brize Norton   Islip   Stanford In The Vale
  Broadwell J   Stanton Harcourt
  Burdrop   Juniper Hill   Stanton St John
  Burford K   Steeple Aston
C   Kennington   Steventon
  Carterton   Kiddington   Stoke Row
  Caversham   Kidlington   Stoke Talmage
  Chadlington   Kingham   Stonesfield
  Chalgrove   Kings Sutton   Stonor
  Charlbury   Kingston Bagpuize   Stratton Audley
  Charlton on Otmoor   Kingston Blount   Sutton Courtenay
  Charney Bassett   Kingston Stert   Sydenham
  Checkendon L T
  Childrey   Langford   Tackley
  Chinnor   Launton   Tetsworth
  Chinnor Hill   Leafield   Thame
  Chipping Norton   Letcombe Bassett   Thrupp
  Chipping Warden   Letcombe Regis   Tiddington
  Cholsey   Lewknor   Towersey
  Claydon   Little Bourton U
  Clifton   Little Coxwell   Uffington
  Clifton Hampden   Little Milton   Upper Wardington
  Combe   Littleworth W
  Compton   Littleworth   Wainhill
  Cote   Long Hanborough   Wallingford
  Crays Pond   Long Wittenham   Wantage
  Crowell   Longcot   Warborough
  Crowmarsh Gifford   Longworth   Watchfield
  Culham   Lower Heyford   Watlington
  Curbridge M   Wendlebury
  Cuxham   Marcham   West Hanney
D   Marston St Lawrence   West Hendred
  Deddington   Merton   Wheatley
  Didcot   Middle Barton   Witney
  Dorchester   Middleton Cheney   Wolvercote
  Drayton St Leonard   Milton Common   Woodstock
  Ducklington   Moreton   Wootton
  Dunsden   Murcott   Wroxton
E N   Wytham
  East Challow   Nettlebed Y
  East Hagbourne   New Yatt   Yarnton
  East Hanney   Newington
  East Hendred   Newton Purcell
  East Ilsley   Noke
  Eaton   Northmoor
  Emmer Green   North Leigh
  Enslow   North Moreton
  Enstone   North Newington
  Ewelme   North Stoke
  Eynsham   Northend
  Nuneham Courtenay

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