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Home > Somerset > Crewkerne > Cross Keys

Cross Keys

Picture source: Harry Jackson

The Cross Keys was situated at 353 Chard Road. The building still stands today, but is a domestic house. This was an inn from at least 1822 to 1957. Formerly owned by Crewkerne United Breweries. Passed to Arnold and Hancock of Wiveliscombe in 1938 and then to Ushers of Trowbridge in 1955. Closed by Ushers in 1957. My contact - My great grandparents Samuel John Stagg and Ophelia Stagg were innkeepers from 1889-1934.
Source: Margaret Burke
The Cross Keys Inn of Crewkerne was situated at the beginning of the Chard Road, overlooking Lyewater. The building remains standing today, but is now a dwelling house. This was an inn from at least 1819 up until its closure in 1960. By 1872, the title of the Cross Keys was held by Jolliffe and Norman, and in the subsequent years was passed along a familiar sequence to several other Crewkerne inns. Firstly to Crewkerne United Breweries in 1889, then to Arnold and Hancock in 1938, and finally to Ushers of Trowbridge in 1955. The inn was initially two-storey and thus entered from Lyewater, but was extended vertically prior to the realignment of the Chard Road in 1837. From this date onwards the entrance to the pub was accessed from the new road. Landlords of the Cross Keys included: Samuel Dean, 1819; Thomas Dibsdale, 1822-30; Thomas Taylor, 1840; James Pavey, 1842; Henry Davis, 1849-50 (cautioned for permitting unlawful gaming at his house); Joseph Hughes, 1852-53; Richard Slade, 1859-61; Abel Marsh, 1866-83; William Leach, 1883-89; Robert Leach, 1889 (fined fifty shillings for allowing drunkenness on his premises); Samuel John Stagg, 1889-1934; John Parker, 1935-39; William Culverhouse, 1955, and Peter Male, 1960.
Harry Jackson (October 2023)

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