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Home > Yorkshire > Driffield > White Swan

White Swan




The White Swan was situated on Shady Lane.
Source: David Marley
Infringement of The Beerhouse Act
Robert DRY, keeper of the White Swan beerhouse, Shady lane, Driffield, was summoned for keeping his house open for the sale of drink after 11 o’clock at night on the 30th ult. Sgt BURNISTON brought the charge and stated that between one and two o’clock, on the morning of the 30th November, he visited defendant’s house and in the front room, found three prostitutes and two men; there were three glasses of ale on the table. He spoke to Mrs DRY, who said she thought the parties were going to stay all night. BURNISTON however, saw them leave a short time after his visit. In defence, DRY said no ale had been drawn after 11 o’clock and as to the parties seen by BURNISTON, he stated that they knocked them up and asked if they could have lodgings and all the beds being engaged, he gave a negative reply; they then asked if they might sit by the fire till morning and he opened the door and let them in. On being asked what sort of house defendant kept, BURNISTON said he had not had occasion previously to complain of it, but a few nights prior to the above, he caught some parties gambling there. To this, DRY said they were only playing for a quart of ale, a common occurrence at all the inns in the town. Fined 2s 6d and expenses, 9s 6d

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