Home > Yorkshire >
Kingston Upon Hull > The Neptune
The Neptune
Date of photo: 1980 |
Picture source: Mal Broadbent |
The Neptune Inn was situated at 49 Neptune
Street. This pub opened in the early 18th century, closed c1982, and was
demolished in 1985. It was nicknamed Little Neppy, presumably because of its
diminutive size. |
Source: Paul Gibson |
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Contacts |
Were you a customer, publican or member of staff
at this pub? Display your email contact details on this page by adding them here and let past regulars get in touch with you. |
Name |
Dates |
Comments |
Dave Bean |
1960s/70s |
Publican was an ex merchant seaman called Jim. The next
one was called George Moody another merchant seaman a steward.His wife
was called Netta she was Dutch. When you walked into the pub it was like
walking into the front room of a house. There was a 'back room' and the
toilets were outside in the yard.It was always full as it was situated
close to docklands and lots of industry. Sanderson's paint works and
Smith & Nephews and fish houses. |
Jim Comrie |
1979 |
I was a student at the school of architecture in Strand
Close, a converted Victorian Board school, but lived in a Hessle Road
shamfour. Nice pint of Mild in the Neptune. The Landlord had a brass
contraption like a mini Trombone, which he 'played' then handed it to me
to play...of course it was a trick I discovered, to the assembled amused
regulars, as it sprayed me with talc as I blew. Happy days! Lovely
friendly spot and good beer. |
Other Photos |
Picture source: Edward Milner |

Picture source: Chris
Howard |