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Home > Yorkshire > Middlesbrough > Ship Inn

Ship Inn

Date of photo: 2005

 © Copyright Mick Garratt and licensed for reuse under this Creative Commons Licenc

The Ship Inn was situated at 21 Stockton Street, opening in 1831. The publican in 1893 was James Bainbridge. This pub has now reopened as The Middlehaven.
The Middlehaven closed in April 2012 following a fire.
Alex Gray (October 2012)
The pub is now being demolished because of vandalism, following the fire in 2012. This is despite it being on Middlesbrough Council’s list of ‘buildings of special historic or architectural interest”. According to a Council spokesperson, the ‘local list’ is comprised of buildings which are not considered to be of sufficient national importance to become listed buildings, but are nonetheless important on a local level. There is no legal protection from any work or demolition.
Kathryn Ludlow (July 2018)

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