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Home > Yorkshire > Morley

Lost Pubs In Morley, Yorkshire

Name Year Closed Address  


  Bridge Road.
Boot & Shoe   Town End.   
Brunswick Hotel   9 Brunswick Street.   
Cardigan Arms   Dewsbury Road.  
Carriers Arms   70 Bank Street.

Dartmouth Arms

1935 1 Victoria Road.
Fleece Inn 1956 16 Troy Road.   
Gillroyd Hotel   109 Albert Road.   
Great Northern Hotel 1936 Hunger Hill.  
Hope Inn Hope Street.
Kings Arms   Gildersome Street.   
Malt Shovel Inn   Chapel Hill.  
Old Golden Fleece   Elland Road.
Prospect Hotel   Victoria Road.   
Rock Inn   2-8 Albert Road.
Sycamore Hotel 2010 High Street.


1940s Station Road.
White Horse   Town End

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