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Home > Gloucestershire > Minchinhampton > Ram Inn

Ram Inn

Date of photo: 2016

© Copyright Jaggery and licensed for reuse under this Creative Commons Licence

The Ram Inn was situated on the Market Square. This grade-II listed pub is now in residential use.
Listed building details:
Inn. Late C17, altered mid-late C18. Random rubble limestone, part in red brick; ashlar and brick chimneys; stone slate roof. Two-storey rectangular block with 2-storey addition on north west side; outbuildings form courtyard to south west. North east side: 2-window fenestration, probably originally below 2 gables. Three original chamfered mullioned 2-light casements; 6-pane sash replacement to ground floor. C18 hipped roof. Return elevation to right includes 2 casements in openings with moulded architraves and flat dripstone above. Lower brick-built hipped roofed addition has mainly C20 casements. South east side: one full gable with blocked attic window. Low level blocked 3-light casement partially obscured by raising of road level. Eaves-mounted chimney above with plain cap. Interior not inspected. Recorded as an inn since 1718. Important position next to Market House.

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