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Home > London > E5 > Kings Head

Kings Head

Date of photo: 1999

Picture source: Ken Jacobs


The Kings Head was situated at 44 Middlesex Wharf, Mount Pleasant Hill. This pub closed in 1999 and was demolished in 2005.

Source: Colin Price

To get to this pub you had to go through one of James Latham's wood yards, avoiding loading lorries and fork lift trucks as you went. The photo was taken just after closure in 1999.
Ken Jacobs
This canal-side pub was present by 1851 and by 1886 was tied to the Mann, Crossman & Paulin Brewery of Whitechapel.  Quoits could be played here in the 1880s.  It survived the slum-clearances in the area of the 1930s and was partially rebuilt at around this time.  It closed in 1999 and was demolished soon afterwards – the Hackney Gazette reporting that “just as the demolition company was about to start tearing it down, two bedraggled squatters scampered out of the building just in the nick of time”.
Stephen Harris
My uncle Arthur wyatt owned The Kings Head through 1950s-late 1960s. My fondest memories were the Christmas parties the whole family had upstairs in the big room , my uncle Arthur played the piano and family members would get up and sing. I have some recordings from a few of the parties that my elder brother did on a old grundig real to real. My dad worked behind the bar every Saturday and Sunday , my uncle Arthur played the piano and clavinette( a small kind of organ ) . The pub was magic. It had a boat house in the garden where racing boats were kept. The pubs garden backed right on to the river Lee. I remember playing with my aunties dogs Trixie and Tina in the garden. I’m 68 now but the memories are embossed
Dave Wyatt (December 2019)

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Name Dates Comments
Carol Churcher 1997/1999 I was the last landlady of this pub.
Other Photos
Date of photo: 1999

Picture source: Ken Jacobs

Date of photo: 1896

Picture source: Hania Franek