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Home > Somerset > Glastonbury > The Crown

The Crown

Date of photo: 2018

Picture source: Liz Christie


The Crown was situated on the Market Place.

This pub, a grade-II listed building, was closed some time ago, having been allowed to get into a very poor state of repair. The owners, Star Inns, subsequently did some renovation to the exterior of the building and advertised for a tenant, without success. According to a local well-informed source, the building has now been sold to an entrepreneur who wants to reopen the Crown as a pub and restaurant. The building is surrounded by scaffolding (again!) and there appears to be a lot of building work going on inside. It will be interesting to see what happens when this work is completed and the current Corona virus restrictions are eased.
Clive Mather (April 2020)
Now reopened.
Stewart Marsh (July 2021)

Listed building details:
Probably early C19 front to an older structure. 3 storeys. Modern roughcast finish. Slate roof, arapet. Pilasters divide .Stringcourse. On each side of central entrance are splayed bays (that to right coming forward) with modern sashes, no glazing bars. Entrance arch of moulded wood with keystone and carved spandrels. Deeply recessed double 1/2 glazed doors. Canopy with Crown on wrought-iron brackets. Bracket with hotel sign above entrance.

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Other Photos
Date of photo: 2021

Picture source: Stewart Marsh