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Home > Bedfordshire > Bedford > The Globe

The Globe

Date of photo: 1940s

Picture source: Dave Stevenson

The Globe was situated on Ford End Road. This pub is now used as an Asian clothing store.
Source: Ben Haddock

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Name Dates Comments
Laurie Nelson 1979 Landlords (Bob, Frieda) , Mark, Paul & Jacqui Nelson. Gerry Welch was my Great Uncle - Ides leigh Road. Bedford, Beds. Remember, Jan, Angela and her brother & Sue his wife. I met Paul in 1979 and married in 1982. Queens park has changed a lot since then. Loads of memories! I stayed with my Uncle Gerry and Auntie Pam and Great Nan Taylor... Visiting from Canada. Customer at the Globe.
Other Photos

Date of photo: 1915

Picture source: John Wainwright

Picture source: Ian Large