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Home > Cornwall > Port Isaac > Commercial Inn

Commercial Inn

Date of photo: 2005

Photo © Jo Turner

The Commercial Inn was situated at 7-9 Fore Street. Grade II Listed possibly early 17th century house remodelled early in the 20th century. A Moot House, elders and freemen would meet here to discuss village matters. Early 19th century it was an inn called ‘The Bristol Packet’ later becoming ‘Commercial Inn’. In the 1930s and 40s it was a bakery and then a restaurant. Prior to becoming ‘The Mote’ it was for a long time ‘The Wheelhouse’. Directory entries include, 1844 Pigot’s doesn’t seem to include Port Isaac, 1852 William Roose (Commercial Inn), 1856 Thomas Strout, 1873 John Smith, 1883-1914 I’m unable to locate the building in the listing suggesting it is no longer an inn. Adjoining on the left is the similarly listed Market House now flats with stores and cellars for the fishing industry on the ground floor. Late 18th or early 19th century its original use is uncertain.
Source: Steve Turner

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