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Home > Hertfordshire > Bishops Stortford > Coach & Horses

Coach & Horses

Picture source: Stephen Harris

The Coach & Horses was situated at 1 London Road. Established by 1771, this pub closed in 1975 and is now in residential use.

Source: Darkstar

William Wells and Wife Amy were the publicans of this pub from 1944-1948, rented from Benskins Brewery. Amy was my grandmothers step sister. As for the picture of the pub, the building on the right was also part of the pub it was a 10 bedroomed inn. It had 3 stables and an orchard and rose garden. During the war the Americans airmen used this pub they would come in the night before a raid next time they came in there would be missing faces very sad.
Joye Sessions (May 2019)

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