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Home > Hertfordshire > Bishops Stortford > Red White & Blue

Red, White & Blue

Picture source: Darkstar

The Red, White & Blue was situated on Rye Street. This pub closed in 2007 and is now used as an Indian restaurant.
Somehow managed to serve a decent pint in the 50s and early 60s. Bass Charington I think. The landlord was Reg Curtis and his wife Lucy. Reg very quiet, Lucy less so but good company. My father visited 'The Blue' just about every evening as we lived in Rye Street. On occasions my sister and I were taken there to spend the night while our parents went out. The pub was frequented mainly by men who worked on the land around Farnham and Manuden. Good memories.
Kevin Dalley (August 2019)

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Name Dates Comments
Peter Wonnacott 1960s/1970s I knew Reg & Lucy quite well around this time when they ran this pub as i worked for them at the lime works they also owned in nearby Farnham Road as a Lorry Driver.