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Home > Hertfordshire > Kimpton > White Horse

White Horse

Date of photo: 1996

Picture source: Michael Croxford

The White Horse was situated on the High Street. This grade-II listed pub closed in April 2015 and was secured as an ACV by villagers a year later, but remains closed

Listed building details:
Terrace of houses, public house and shop. 2 storeys. The end houses are early-mid C19 in chequered red brick and with slate roofs. The centre (Nos 22 and 24A) is lower and late C18. Plain red brick. Plain tile roof. Dentilled brick eaves. Glazing bar casements except for No 24, which has recessed 8/8-pane sashes with rubbed brick lintels. The centre has 3 square window bays with flat hoods. Circa 1980 porch to No 20. No 24 has rear extensions in flint with brick dressings. 4 ridge chimney

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